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Patriotic, Political, and Diplomatic Buttons


PhotoItem #Albert's CodeDescriptionSizePrice
rp001   Sold   Original George Washington Inaugural Button! Interestingly, this example was pierced and fashioned into a pendant.   Sold
rp002 PC17 NEW   The Lafayette Presentation button (bust of Washington) strike of 1876-Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia. Backmark reads: ". Presented to General Lafayette. By L. H & Scovill Button Manufacturers/ Waterbury Con." Scovill made the original set of these Presentation buttons in gold and gave them to General Lafayette on his much celebrated visit to the US in 1824-25. This example was restruck in 1876. 20mm $100.00
rp003 PC31B Sold Scarce Lafayette Commemerative button from his return visit of 1824 (big doings in the Young Republic). "*L. H. & Scovill*/Extra" 20mm $275.00
rp005 PC122A Sold   Awesome Van Buren and Harrison Campaign of 1840. "Ives* Kendrick & Co/Extra" 21mm $750.00
rp012 PC153A2 NEW   Harrison button displaying American flag flying above the log cabin. Campaign of 1840, "*.*Extra.*.*./Rich" 20mm $145.00
rp014 PC146Av NEW   Wonderful and rare Harrison glove button, "*Kendrick*/& Co" Very nice! 11mm $175.00
rp016 PC146Av NEW   Scarce, small size Harrison Campaign. "*Robinsons*/Extra" 12mm $175.00
rp018 --- Sale Pending Device shows the reverse of an American one dollar gold-piece. 14mm $25.00
rp021 NA75B NEW   "*Standard*/Rich Colour/(American Eagle with shield and anchor)" 18mm $25.00
rp024 PC106A NEW   Congressional Campaign of 1834, Political button, "E.Pluribus.Unum/.*./+/.H.Meriton." 19mm $75.00
rp025 PC160A Scarcer Harrison Campaign of 1840; 1-piece with unusual octagonal field. 19mm $250.00
rp026 --- Sold   Patriotic/militia, a great little button ".*.Orange.*./Colour" 11mm $50.00
rp027 --- REDUCED   Face design of GI59. Back reads "E.Pluribus Unum*(sprig)*" Silver plated, wonderful and rare button that crosses military and political fields. 21mm $250.00$200.00$175.00
rp030 PC unl Sale Pending   Gutta-percha Miss Liberty button; cuff size with 1851 dated reverse. 16mm $15.00
rp032 UU133 NEW   Eagle with "E PLURIBUS UNUM" above. "+Rich+/ Orange" 13mm $50.00
rp035 Unl Sale Pending   Civil War Era patriotic button. Drum superimposed over crossed swords. Blank back. 15mm $25.00
rp037 Unl. REDUCED   Patriotic. "In God We Trust" around a Bible ....and for those that would have us believe this is a McCarthysim or mid 20th Century invented slogan, here it is in its 1830's form. Backmark of "*Orange*/Colour" 15mm $60.00 Now...$50
rp038 Unl Sale Pending   Patriotic. US Gold Coin design. 11mm $20.00
rp040 UU172C Sale Pending   Centennial button, 1876; Liberty Bell and "1776." 16mm $25.00
rp041 --- NEW   Political/Patriotic Civil War button; rare design. I believe these to be associated with the Union Party; could be Lincoln's re-election. blank. 14mm $100.00
rp042 --- NEW   Attractive Civil War/1876 Patriotic button; Tices's PC288As1. Scarce design, "**Fine**/Quality" 15mm $75.00
rp043 PC383A NEW   McKinley Campaign button. 23mm $30.00
rp048 PC360A NEW   Early Republican button, 1888. Blank. 21mm $35.00
rp049 PC370 NEW   Early Democratic button, 1888. Something to crow about with this nice look. 21mm $35.00
  --- Sold   Wow! "(American Eagle)/Extra/Treble" 20mm $40.00
  PC223Bv Sold   Zachary Taylor Campaign button of 1848; scarce, small size, ".Extra./Sporting" 14mm $150.00
  OD23 Sold   U.S. Official Applied device. Beautiful. "G & Cie/Paris/20/(coat of arms)" 21mm $275.00$250.00
  WI4A Sold   George Washington Inaugural Button. Historic and desirable "Linked States" variety. Condition is nicer than the photo shows; shank is strengthened. A large size and impressive button. Truly a centerpiece. 34mm $1500.00
  PC146A Sold   Log Cabin, William Henry Harrison, "R&W. Robinson" in ribbon w/eagle. 21mm $95.00
  PC149A Sold   Harrison Campaign of 1840, mint condition, scarcer pattern, Plow and Barrel, "Scovills & Co/ Waterbury" 21mm $150.00
  PC155A Sold   Great looking, Harrison Campaign of 1840 political clothing button! "Benedict & Burnham (in ribbon w/eagle above)." 22mm $100.00
  PC155A1 Sold   Log cabin and cider barrel, Harrison Campaign of 1840 political button! ".Benedict & Burnham./Extra" 22mm $100.00
  PC139 Sold   Log cabin with slogan above: "Harrison & Reform." Very nice condition. "Extra/Superfine" 20mm $150.00
  --- Sold   Patriotic. "In God We Trust" around a Bible�and for those that would have us believe this is a McCarthysim or mid 20th Century invented slogan, here it is with an 1828-1834 backmark of ".*.Extra Rich.*./R.J.&Co" (Robinson, Jones & Co). 15mm $60.00
  PC225A Sold   General Zachory Taylor, Campaign of 1848. Nice backmark, "The Hero of/Beuna Vista" rmdc. 23mm $150.00
  PC155A Sold   Harrison Campaign button of 1840. Beautiful button! 2-piece. "Benedict & Burnham" w/eagle. 22mm $100.00
  PC155A Sold   Harrison Campaign button. Beautiful button! 2-piece. "Benedict & Burnham" w/eagle. 22mm $100.00
  --- Sold   Golden Age, 1-piece Patriotic. An eagle with arrows and laurel branches in its talons, surrounded by a grapevine on radial border. 13mm $50.00
  --- Sold   Patriotic 1-piece. The device is an open Bible encircled by the words "In God We Trust" Dug: ".Orange./Colour" 15mm $50.00
  --- Sold   Political/Patriotic: 1-piece gilt button. Dug. Back reads: "E.Pluribus Unum .+./H. Meriton" Nice. 19mm $75.00$55.00
  PC9 Sold   Early American Patriotic Button. Back: (Sunburst radiating from the shank) 11mm $50.00
  PC97A Sold   Nice and scarce button: Congressional Campaign of 1834, "R.R & Co." 12mm $175.00
  --- Sold   Patriotic Jacksonian Era. Federal eagle with shield to the side. 13mm $50.00
  PC225B Sold   "Rough & Ready," surrounding the profile of Zachary Taylor, 1848 Campaign, with the better backmark of "*The Hero of*/ Beuna Vista". This is a particularly clean and nice example, as the tin backs are often rusted and obscure the lettering. 23mm $175.00
  OD2Av Sold   U.S. Official "*Carter*/Lombard Street" 16mm $250.00$200.00
  OD11 Sold   Early U.S. Official or Officer's button. Heavily gilted, "Armitage/Phila" over the ghost stamp of "R. Robinson & Co./Attleborough/.*.Extra.*./Rich" 21mm $475.00
  OD31 Sold   U.S. Official and Diplomatic. 1 piece. Beautiful! "Firmin & Sons/153 Strand London/&13/Conduit St." 26mm SOLD
  OD31 Sold   U.S. Official and Diplomatic. Beautiful. 1-piece. ".Firmins./London" 17mm SOLD


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