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Bruce S. Bazelon & William Leigh, American Military Buttons: An Interpretive Study, 1785-1835.
The authors made use of unpublished research notes, publications from 1911 to the present day, and new information contributed by collectors and "diggers."  The book offers a new understanding of American patriotic heraldry and evolution of manufacturing processes and distinctive regional characteristics.  The work examines federal regulations, button types, and the use of various symbols relating to each state and its militias.  Nearly 2000 photographs of these buttons, with most dipicting both obverse and reverse, are showin in color in order to aid in dentification and attribution.  This useful guide provides a context throguh which to appreciate early 19th-Century American military buttons as they reflect the growth and maturing of the American nation. Price includes shipping anywhere in the Continental United States (email for international shipping quotes).

American Military Buttons: An Interpretive Study, 1785-1835

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